Cardano’a ADA Now Among Most Wanted Assets by Top BSC Whales

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Yuri Molchan

Largest BSC whales are after ADA now, along with other top 10 coins on that chain


According to a recent tweet by WhaleStats on-chain data aggregator, ADA wrapped on BNB Chain (which used to be known as BSC chain) has entered the top ten list of most purchased digital currencies on this network.

It is, therefore, also on the list of ten largest crypto holdings owned by BSC whales, the same data agency says.

BSC whales are reletlessly after ADA

At the time of this writing, Cardano’s ADA wrapped on BSC chain is holding top fifth spot among the top ten purchased digital currencies. Whales cumulatively hold $19,171,741 worth of ADA.

BNB, ETH and BUSD are ahead of it on that list, along with BSC-USD. ADA-BSC also holds the fifth spot on the list of coins with the largest trading volume over the past twenty-four hours.


BSC whale grabs a lot of MATIC

Aside from ADA, whales on the BNB Chain are after other coins – among them are Dogecoin and MATIC.

As reported by U.Today on Friday, owner of the wallet titled “Scarlet Witch” acquired a staggering 400,000,000 Dogecoin wrapped on the BNB Chain, paying $31,666,000 for it.

At press-time, this whale ranked 3 holds $30,311,742 worth of Dogecoin, having sold a little of his yesterday’s purchase. DOGE now comprises 28.52 percent of his crypto portfolio. Overall, BSC whales now own a comprised $47,666,195 worth of Dogecoin.

Earlier today, the same BSC investor grabbed an astounding amount of MATIC token. He bought 200,000,000 of these coins valued at a whopping $128,340,600.

Curiously, he has sold this MATIC already or has moved it to another address, as his wallet 0xf68a4b64162906eff0ff6ae34e2bb1cd42fef62d now contains zero MATIC.

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