I’ll Be Buying Bitcoin at the Top Forever: MicroStrategy CEO

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Yuri Molchan

Michael Saylor is determined to keep buying Bitcoin


During his recent appearance at Fox News, co-founder and chief executive of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, shared whether his view on Bitcoin has changed recently.

Saylor is a renowned Bitcoin evangelist, who believes BTC is an ultimate safe haven and an inflation hedge.

Bitcoin is up 229% in past 2 years

Answering the questions of the Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, Saylor shared that since 2020, when the pandemic broke out, the leading digital currency has demonstrated a staggering growth of 229 percent, while the US money supply has been increased by 36 percent, gold gone up 7 percent, S&P 500 is up 29 percent, and the Nasdaq 100 has risen 19 percent.

Therefore, Saylor, is certain that if you are able to handle the volatility and take a long-term view, Bitcoin is a safe haven.


“We’re buying more Bitcoin”

When asked about the current strategy of the company, Saylor stated that MicroStrategy is not selling any of its BTC, but they are buying more of it whenever there is any spare cash. What is more, the CEO added that they plan to be “buying at the top forever”.

As of April 5, the business intelligence software producer MicroStrategy holds a comprised 129,218 Bitcoins worth $3,723,248,686 at the time of writing.

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